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Gaudi image rules

Something is wrong here - pictures that Gaudi does not allow: 

- No children whatsoever. This includes children's toys.

- No images containing contact information (email address, phone number, etc.)

- No images of illegal drug use and paraphernalia.

- Text overlaid on images with hate speech (includes profanities, criminal, political or religious statements).

- No weapons and/or offensive vocabulary.

- No photos of violent acts to yourself, someone else, or animals.

- No photos including blood or scat.

- No copyrighted pictures 

- No images that incite racism, bigotry, hatred or physical harm of any kind.

- No images advertising services, goods, events, URL's, websites, or apps.

We ask for your understanding.; You can find more information about the current image regulations on Gaudi in our knowledge base at: fake photo, illegal images and adult images.

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  1. Roney CM

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